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Twyford Parish Council in Berkshire | 0118 9345444 | [email protected]

Street Light Outages in Amberley Drive

We are aware of the lamp outages in Amberley Drive and are liaising with both Wokingham Borough Council and Scottish & Southern (SSE). SSE have given us a target date of 1st March 2019 for the work which is within…

Neighbourhood Plan Meeting

  What next for Twyford? Public Meeting - Loddon Hall (Ruscombe Room), 23rd May 2018 Twyford Parish Council is sponsoring a Neighbourhood Plan which will outline a resident’s led vision of what Twyford should look like in the future.  This…

Playpark refurbishment

Thank you for being patient with our King George V playground refurbishment.  The contractors had expected to finish the work within 2-3 weeks of starting however some of the equipment was stuck in Sweden and has therefore caused delays.  This…

Playpark refurbishment

Unfortunately the play area remains partially closed whilst our contractors await some of the new equipment which has been delayed and remains in Sweden. We realised this is disappointing for our residents and are taking this up with the contractors…

Twinning with Cuincy

A meeting to form the Twinning committee is planned for Monday 19th June at 7:30pm.  All interested in the project are welcome to attend. Twinning Agenda

King George V Playpark refurbishment

Unfortunately there has been a hold up on delivery of the play equipment.  We have been advised by the contractors that the remaining equipment should arrive week commencing 12th June.  The surfacing will then be completed the following week.  We apologies for any…

Update on Twinning with Cuincy

The next meeting of individuals and organisations interested in getting involved with a twinning relationship with Cuincy, France will be held at Age Concern on Monday 19th June at 7:30pm.  New members are welcome to attend. If you are interested…