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Twyford Parish Council in Berkshire | 0118 9345444 | [email protected]

Dr Bike – Free Bike Checks

Dr Bike will be in Twyford on Saturday 16th March, 9.30 – 11.30.  These sessions are to do safety checks on bikes and make sure they are road safe – The sessions are for 15mins and are completely FREE.  If…

Twyford Precept 2024-25

In January, the Council set their budget and precept for 2024-25.  Read more about the precept and our services by clicking on the pages below.

Annual Litter Pick 2024

Join us for this year's Annual Litter Pick on Saturday 23rd March 2024. Organised by Twyford Parish Council, the initiative aims to beautify our neighbourhood while promoting environmental consciousness. The litter pick offers an opportunity for individuals of all ages…

Become a Councillor – Local Councillor Vacancies

If you are enthusiastic about TWYFORD and making it the best that it can be, please consider becoming a Parish Councillor. We currently have two vacancies to fill by co-option.  We would welcome potential Councillors with a variety of skills,…

Become a Councillor

Make a change to your local community.  We are looking for innovative forward-thinking individuals to join Twyford Parish Council.

Act of Remembrance 2023 in Cuincy and Twyford

This weekend, in a symbolic gesture of unity and friendship, wreaths were respectfully laid in Cuincy, France strengthening the bond between our twinned towns. Those lost from both communities were remembered. The ceremony in Cuincy, was attended by representatives from…

Reduce, Reuse and Recycle

Check out Wokingham Borough Council's newsletter on recycling. Find out where you can recycle items such as electricals and disused laptops Do you have items that need fixing? The next repair cafe is being held on Sunday 15 October, from…

Twyford in Bloom 2023 – Results

Councillor Malcolm Bray and Twyford Together representative Paul Cassidy attended today's Thames and Chilterns in Bloom awards ceremony where Twyford was awarded the Silver Gilt for their in bloom efforts along with being announced winners of the Regional Heritage Award…

Twyford Village Fete 2023

Twyford Parish Council’s village fete is in its seventh year and was held on Saturday 19th August.  The event was opened by former Twyford Parish Councillor Roy Mantel, as Twyford’s very own VIP following 41 years of dedicated service to…