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Twyford Parish Council in Berkshire | 0118 9345444 | [email protected]

Annual Litter Pick 2024

Join us for this year’s Annual Litter Pick on Saturday 23rd March 2024.

Organised by Twyford Parish Council, the initiative aims to beautify our neighbourhood while promoting environmental consciousness.

The litter pick offers an opportunity for individuals of all ages to come together and make a tangible difference in our surroundings.  Participants are asked to wear gloves, strong footwear and sensible clothing and in return we will provide you with litter pickers, bags and hi-viz jackets to safely collect litter from designated areas.

We will be meeting in Loddon Hall Car Park (RG10 9JA) at 10am for registration and briefing before heading out to clean up various locations.

Whether you’re a seasonal environmental enthusiast or simply looking to give back to the community, your contribution is invaluable in fostering a cleaner, greener environment for all.

Join us on the 23rd and be part of the positive change.

Twyford Parish Council poster