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Twyford Parish Council in Berkshire | 0118 9345444 | [email protected]

Twyford Skatepark Project

Help us build a brilliant new skatepark facility for wheeled sports in Twyford!

The current skatepark in Twyford was built almost 2 decades ago and is in need of increasing expenditure for repairs and renovation. The existing facility is unsightly, unfit for purpose and does not cater for the diverse needs of the community.

The skatepark is an important facility in Twyford village that encourages sport, fitness, competition, creativity and an outlet for an energetic youth without any expensive user charges.  The Council is keen to provide facilities like this, that can be used by all, whatever their means.

Given the existing design, the ramps are currently being used more to climb on than the intended purpose which is dangerous and attracts antisocial behaviour. A modern, inclusive and experienced approach is now being sought to benefit the wider community and provide a facility everyone can enjoy.

Twyford Skatepark Project Crowdfunder Campaign

The people behind the project

We are a group of enthusiastic parents, skaters, BMX enthusiasts and scooter riders who have come together with Twyford Parish Council to launch this skatepark project. With the invaluable support of the Council we are looking to raise over £200,000 to fund the construction of a modern concrete skatepark that will cater to the diverse needs of our community. The new facility will include essential amenities such as clear safety signage, spectator benches, accessible ramps, beginner jumps and a tool kit repair station. We want this to be a space for everyone to enjoy!

Thanks to Twyford Parish Council we are well on our way…but we need your help to unlock extra funding.

Get behind the Campaign

How will we make this project happen and how much will it cost?

The project budget is £200,000 with costs of benches and a tool station on top. We are applying for grants and have the support of the Parish Council.  Funds will contribute towards the skatepark and all the extras.

How can you help?

There are four simple ways to help us reach our target, and make this project a reality.

1. Make a Donation! Don’t delay if you’re going to support us because momentum is key to our success!

2. Spread the word. Share our project on your social media pages and tell the world to get behind us! The more people we reach, the more support we will get.

3. Offer rewards. Get involved if you are a local business by donating things we can offer to our supporters. We will give you a shout out! Its not too late!

4. If you want to run your own fundraiser to support us, maybe a sponsored activity or similar, use the ‘contact project’ button at the top of our page to let us know. Setting up your own page only takes a few minutes and you won’t need any bank details. Just a fun idea!